javascript - Get data-value of each individual div -
i'm using couple of plugins animate progress bars using javascript.
i'm setting data value of each 1 in html avoid defining in javascript each time.
<div class="progress-circle" data-value="0.65">
i want data value animate , stop @ value each time code have @ moment stops of them @ 1st divs value.
var el = $('.progress-circle'), inited = false; el.appear({ force_process: true }); el.on('appear', function() { if (!inited) { el.circleprogress({ value: el.attr('data-value') }); inited = true; } }); $('.progress-circle').circleprogress({ size: 80, startangle: -math.pi / 4 * 2, linecap: "round", fill: { color: "#64b46e" } }).on('circle-animation-progress', function(event, progress, stepvalue) { $(this).find('.inner').text(string(stepvalue.tofixed(2)).substr(2)+ '%'); });
how can use each divs unique data-value attribute?
$('your-div').each(function() { //do $(this).data('value'); //other way $(this).attr('data-value'); });
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