
Showing posts from March, 2014

javascript - How to convert normal table to CkEditor Table -

above table table want convert above table below ckeditor table, there way,is there css property can convert below table this table ckeditor table you can thing this demo table { border-collapse: collapse; border: 2px solid #eee; } td, th { border: 2px solid #eee; min-width:200px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px 1px #000; }

Meteor registration verification email not sent on production -

i have tested meteor app on dev , verification email sent out. on production not. maybe content of smtp.js? code follows: // server/smtp.js meteor.startup(function () { var smtp = { username: '', password: 'hw783378hjshd', server: '', port: 25 } process.env.mail_url = 'smtp://' + encodeuricomponent(smtp.username) + ':' + encodeuricomponent(smtp.password) + '@' + encodeuricomponent(smtp.server) + ':' + smtp.port; }); // (server-side) meteor.startup(function() { // default, email sent if wish receive email users asking account, sure set email address can receive email at. accounts.emailtemplates.from = 'noreply <>'; // public name of application. defaults dns name of application (eg: accounts.emailtemplates.sitename = 'no reply'; // function t

vim - How do I :Ggrep ignoring case for a particular search? -

is there way one-off search using :ggrep ignoring case? is, i'd git grep -i search_term in shell? the standard :vimgrep suggest embedding \c modifier search pattern :ggrep /\csearch_term/ did not appear work @ all. so, question: there way make :ggrep ignore case particular search action? you can use -i / --ignore-case flag :ggrep : :ggrep -i 'pattern'

Writing SQL to develop XML with children -

i'm trying write sql generate xml string complete child elements. can everything, children aren't falling children, showing separate root level items. i've been dinking around xml path statement, not having luck. help appreciated. i'm on sql 2014 server. declare @xmldata xml set @xmldata = ( select adr.account_identifier , adr.first_name , adr.last_name , adr.addr_line1 , adr.addr_line2 , , adr.state , , ( select acct_nbr , loan_orgl_prin_amt , loan_ostd_prin_amt , loan_eftv_int_rt staging.statementofbalance_src sob sob.acct_nbr = crbr.acct_nbr

javascript - Add cookies to toggle sidebar -

i have toggling sidebar on side, , want use cookies make remember state it's at. has been brought lot before, haven't been able find solution works code. (or maybe does, i'm new @ this, have used wrong.) var main = function() { $('.icon-menu').click(function() { $('.menu').animate({ left: "0px" }, 200); $('body').animate({ left: "240px" }, 200); }); $('.icon-close').click(function() { $('.menu').animate({ left: "-240px" }, 200); $('body').animate({ left: "0px" }, 200); }); }; i looked this ask , seems i'm looking for, codes different didn't work. same enter link description here viktor's helpful setup here - easier redo code more "standard"? or can set if command both menu , body? grateful tips. cheers! download , in

excel - How to check if a command is possible before executing it in vba? -

i want use macro change long long column of cells. cells either numbers or text. numbers, though, stored text , want convert them. i'd like `range("a1").value = int(range("a1").value)` , , works fine when converting numbers stored text number, won't work values text , have no numbers. how set command see, if conversion possible it? do them @ once range.texttocolumns method . vba's overhead take care of error control. with worksheets("sheet1") intersect(.usedrange, .columns(1)) .numberformat = "general" .texttocolumns datatype:=xlfixedwidth, fieldinfo:=array(0, 1) end end

How can I create Date Object from Date and Time Strings in Lua NodeMCU? -

i playing around nodemcu on esp8266. have date string , time string web request this: 15.07.16 (german format 19:50 (24 hours format) these datetimes lay little bit in future. want number of minutes current time time strings above. i guess have create time object strings , compare current time. how can lua? unfortunately there no os library on nodemcu (or might have missed how enable it). calculating difference manually huge pain avoid. know way compute available or external libraries? thanks support! there's pending pr rtctime except opposite, unix epoch utc calendar. if convert strings unix epoch x do -- delta in minutes local delta = (x - rtctime.get()) / 60 you can either calculate x yourself, far trivial due leap years & seconds , other date/time oddities, or can send request , extract timestamp it.

How to enter a string n number of times in C using scanf() -

i'm trying enter no of test cases (t) , n number of times enter string , process it. here's code tried: char str[10000]; int size,flag,i,t; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--){ gets(str); flag=1; size=0; while(str[size]!='\0') size++; if(size<2) flag=0; for(i=0;i<size/2;i++) if(abs(str[i+1]-str[i])!=abs(str[size-i-1]-str[size-i-2])) flag=0; if(flag) printf("funny\n"); else printf("not funny\n"); } also in place of using gets, tried: scanf("%[^\t\n]s",str); but nothing seems work actually, got it. int t; char str[100]; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--) scanf("%s",str); this works fine.

apache spark - How to print the contents of a broadcast variable -

i created broadcast variable in pyspark shell , want inspect whats inside of it. but, functions i'd use print or view rdd not available broadcast variable. i.e. .collect() , .take(5) etc throw dreaded broadcast object has no property ... errors. how view data stored in broadcast var? i guess in python similar. show example in scala. scala> val broadcastvar = sc.broadcast(array(1, 2, 3)) broadcastvar: org.apache.spark.broadcast.broadcast[array[int]] = broadcast(0) scala> broadcastvar.value res0: array[int] = array(1, 2, 3) if save result of broadcastvar.value, t, in variable can print or whatever using default tostring method of type t.

Example of a gherkin subscenario -

i have make scenarios using gherkin, term sub-scenario came. can't picture in mind how sub-scenario be. can give me example? gherkin not natively support subscenarios, specification may have been tasked might need breaking down several scenarios in order conform "given, when, then" workflow. try , dissect information have been given basic deterministic processes, , construct scenario each one. don't forget if you're running gherkin through cucumber execute scenarios in .feature file in order written, long step definitions set in such way work same objects across scenarios there wouldn't issue. in summary, think subscenario misnomer here, not feature of gherkin , not fit in bdd workflow.

security - How can we protect data in VSTS from access via the API? -

context: have vsts account have configured block outside access using azure premium conditional access , specifying public ips of our work network. interactive access blocked clients outside internal network. but not block personal access tokens (pats). nor see setting disable or block use of pats. pats can allow access of data in our vsts account via rest api. without mechanism azure ad premium conditional access (whitelist), in world access or modify our data merely stealing pat. seems huge security hole me. missing control vulnerability? ideally, have whitelist in vsts instead of having rely on azure ad premium. vsts service block both interactive , api calls did not originate in our designated safe locations. not exist far know. so, how can protect our data users out in world might access our account data via api path , stolen pat? you can disable basic authentication , alternate credentials, disable few features on vsts (li

php - how to safely send hidden variables of paypal form? -

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

javascript - Cloning a div with multiple input is not working -

by default multiple input appended #captureavail_more below this: $(function() { $("#captureavail_more").append("<input type='text' name='avail[]' value='sun-1'>"); $("#captureavail_more").append("<input type='text' name='avail[]' value='sun-2'>"); $("#captureavail_more").append("<input type='text' name='avail[]' value='sun-3'>"); $("#captureavail_more").append("<input type='text' name='avail[]' value='sat-1'>"); $("#captureavail_more").append("<input type='text' name='avail[]' value='sat-2'>"); $("#captureavail_more").append("<input type='text' name='avail[]' value='sat-3'>"); } ); above append inputs this, <section id="more-popup" class="mfp-hide white-po

Detect mobile device on windows with Java -

i want access smartphone (samsung galaxy s4) via java other usb-drive not show in list of drives: file[] f = file.listroots(); (int = 0; < f.length; i++) { string drive = f[i].getpath(); system.out.println("drive: " + drive); } windows seems classify mobile device. there simple way detect other drive? in end used jmtpe access phone on windows , works well. although it's compatible 32bit jre.

swift - 'Ambiguous reference' when using joinWithSeparator to intersperse into array -

i'm trying use joinwithseparator insert separator element between elements of array. based on documentation, should able do: [1, 2, 3].joinwithseparator([0]) to get: [1, 0, 2, 0, 3] instead, get: repl.swift:3:11: error: type of expression ambiguous without more context [1, 2, 3].joinwithseparator([0]) how can this? joinwithseparator not work this. input should sequence of sequence i.e. // swift 2: [[1], [2], [3]].joinwithseparator([0]) // lazy sequence give `[1, 0, 2, 0, 3]`. // swift 3: [[1], [2], [3]].joined(separator: [0]) you intersperse flatmap , drop last separator: // swift 2 , 3: [1, 2, 3].flatmap { [$0, 0] }.droplast()

c++ - Cannot test my Android App in eclipse. The app won't update -

i new in android , eclipse. please help. thank much. edited , saved code in eclipse, delete app in emulator, select debug => android application. eclipse installs older version of codes emulator every time. how fix it? for example. codes cclog("test string"); cclog("visiblesize:%.1f,%.1f",visiblesize.width,visiblesize.height); cclog("origin:%.1f,%.1f",origin.x,origin.y); then changed cclog("visiblesize:%.1f,%.1f",visiblesize.width,visiblesize.height); cclog("origin:%.1f,%.1f",origin.x,origin.y); eclipse still prints out test string. please help. thank much. you can use android studio. way can write code in editor want , install app console (using cocos tool). write stuff in xcode (app ios too) , run eclipse, because writing c++ in being in hell. said run app using "debug as". won't work in eclipse. eclipse doesn't compile stuff, runs python script, compile app. , still won't debuggable (

datetime - Python: Adding hour vector to date vector elementwise -

i have array of dates as: >>> dates array([datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 1, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 2, 0, 0), datetime.datetime(2013, 2, 1, 0, 0))], dtype=object) i have corresponding array of hours of same size dates: numpy.asarray([3,5,2]) i want generate following: >>> datesplushour array([datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 1, 3, 0), datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 2, 5, 0), datetime.datetime(2013, 2, 1, 2, 0))], dtype=object) i.e. add hour vector date vector element wise. hoping use better loop. all need creating timedelta s hours numpy array tehm add dates: >>> import datetime >>> import numpy np >>> dates = np.array([datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 1, 0, 0), ... datetime.datetime(2013, 1, 2, 0, 0), ... datetime.datetime(2013, 2, 1, 0, 0)], dtype=object) >>> >>> h = np.asarray([3,5,2]) >>> hours = np.array([datetime.timedelta(hours=i) in h]) >>>

Wordpress is adding -1.jpg to all my images. Now they are broken -

i've inherited older wordpress blog , updated it, manuallyto version 4.5.3. has broken images. the path example missing image is: /blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/tumblr_n85n0vdfyb1qzj0rpo1_1280-1.jpg here's whats in folder: -rw-rw-r-- 1 forge forge 7100 feb 26 15:32 tumblr_n85n0vdfyb1qzj0rpo1_12801-150x150.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 forge forge 22757 feb 26 15:32 tumblr_n85n0vdfyb1qzj0rpo1_12801-300x300.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 forge forge 6687 feb 25 18:21 tumblr_n85n0vdfyb1qzj0rpo1_1280-150x150.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 forge forge 95613 feb 26 15:32 tumblr_n85n0vdfyb1qzj0rpo1_12801.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 forge forge 22153 feb 25 18:21 tumblr_n85n0vdfyb1qzj0rpo1_1280-300x300.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 forge forge 75944 feb 25 18:21 tumblr_n85n0vdfyb1qzj0rpo1_1280-624x624.jpg -rw-rw-r-- 1 forge forge 95613 feb 25 18:21 tumblr_n85n0vdfyb1qzj0rpo1_1280.jpg afaik - there should 1 image in folder, i'm not sure @ stage rest appeared. anyone suggestions on how fix this? i'm thinking

sonar runner - Writing SonarQube sensor plugin with support for multiple languages -

what correct way add support multiple programming languages plugin? should separate rules definition xmls loaded each language different repository keys , several implementations of profiledefinition created? is there example of such plugin? i using sonarqube 5.2 snapshot rule repositories , quality profiles associated single language, multiple instances of profiledefinition , rulesdefinition must provided. web api2 - Creating post web api 2 actions -

i attempting should straight forward, honest pretty far @ moment , driving me bit mad. i've been consuming actions in webapi, i'm trying create post actions in order keep mvc controllers clean can't life of me figure out why actions work expected post action results in 404 using microsoft.aspnet.authorization; using microsoft.aspnet.mvc; using tamweb.models.api; namespace tamweb.controllers.api { [authorize] [route("api/[controller]")] public class admincontroller : controller { [httppost] public bool updatedetails([frombody]detailsviewmodel model) { return false; } } } using system; namespace tamweb.models.api { public class detailsviewmodel { public string firstname { get; set; } public string lastname { get; set; } } } the api controller simple gets , per several other api questions instead of using string parameters i've created model object , follow ot

javascript - RefererNotAllowedMapError Google Map API -

yesterday tried put googlemap on website (javascript), still getting google maps api error: referernotallowedmaperror . the following steps have taken: created credentials website (request api key , add referrer in api manager. accepted request these http referres set ** ) verify domain of website (added cname record in dns record) but still getting referernotallowedmaperror . regenerating new key didn't help, can please me? there forgot do? thanks! ahf from google maps error messages documentation itself, referernotallowedmaperror means current url loading google maps javascript api has not been added list of allowed referrers. please check referrer settings of api key on google api console. also check related questions: google maps javascript api referernotallowedmaperror google maps api error: referernotallowedmaperror google maps javascript api referernotallowedmaperror

sql - How to update table based on values in another table -

i wondering according below schema how can keep inventory out-stock values updated according product qty values in orderdetail table. for example have below sample data orderdetail order-id product-id qty 1 1 5 inventory inventory-id date product-id in-stock out-stock stock-left 1 1/1/2016 1 10 5 5 lets in order-detail table value of qty changed 1 how can changed 1 in inventory table. schema you can use triggers propagate values create trigger [dbo].[inventory_update] on [dbo].[orderdetail] update begin update inventory set outstock = inserted.qty inserted inventory.inventory-id = inserted.inventory-id end

python 3.x - django rest framework and multiple routers -

i have application api created drf. in use drf-router route url's. want add route list-view parameters (so @list_route won't work) viewsets, not others. so wanted define 2 routers: user_router = routers.simplerouter() admin_router = routers.simplerouter() i want route added one of them: search_route = route( url='^{prefix}/search/(?p<field>\w+)/(?p<value>\w+){trailing_slash}$', mapping={ 'get': 'search', }, name='{basename}-search', initkwargs={} ) admin_router.routes.append(search_route) but end search_route added both routers, , coupled viewsets register in routers individually. ipython> user_router.routes ... route(url='^{prefix}/search/(?p<field>\\w+)/(?p<method>\\w+)/(?p<keyword>\\w+){trailing_slash}$', mapping={'get': 'search'}, name='{basename}-search', initkwargs={'suffix': 'search'}), ... why this??? missing

What after Head First JavaScript Programming? -

okay, have finished reading head first javascript , now, honest, feel didn't learned enough. had basic c++ knowledge before buying book , people, devmates said interesting book teach javascript. yes, interesting, don't think learned lot this. finished exercises, of work done using pencil. expecting put challenges going burn hands in code, wasn't that. exercises simple. thing think missing book, regular expressions. won't totally missed regexp, what's present there not enough. book says, "closures hard", doesn't seem in book. now, question go (or read) improve javascript knowledge. want build real projects using it. you can expand knowledge using online courses, , informational websites such as: not these sites teach javascript, teach many other useful things well.

AngularJS - Filtering with multi-level JSON -

i have complex dataset in json includes location data hierarchal in nature, parent of region, child obj of state/country/province, , sub-child obj of cities. i'm trying filter on each of these data parts. the filters on other values (phase , numbers) work correctly, location data doesn't. i'm assuming it's because of hierarchal nature of data, can't find filtering examples of hierarchal data in angular figure out i'm doing wrong. plunkr: var app = angular.module('plunker', ['angular.filter']); app.controller('mainctrl', function($scope, $anchorscroll, $location, $http) { $scope.cart = []; $scope.addtocart = function(index) { $scope.cart.push(index); $scope.cartcount = $scope.cart.length; } $scope.activerow = function(index) { $scope.selectedrow = index; $location.hash(); $anchorscroll('anchor-' + index); } $scope.gotoanchor = func

Client Certs for WCF consumer stops working after a while -

i having peculiar issue certs not working after while wcf client app connect soap 1.1 sap service. boggles me steps have take make certs work again. after installed certs on couple of load balanced servers, seems works fine. after few days, 1 of app/servers throws error. the request aborted: not create ssl/tls secure channel. when log on server using mmc , open cert (i not have reinstall it, open enough), web app works. @ wits end why might happening. appreciated. below architecture/some code samples of how apps/web services set up [mvc webapp]--[ load balancer ]-->(server 1, server 2)--> sap soap 1.0 web service some configuration , code samples.. <system.servicemodel> <client> <endpoint address="https://somesapwebservice:8104/xisoapadapter/messageservlet?senderparty=&amp;senderservice=bc_portal&amp;receiverparty=&amp;receiverservice=&amp;interface=si_appformdata_out_sync&amp;

android - how to share images from my app to whatsapp? -

here sharing images app whatsapp.but code working here mylist1[i] , not mylist2[i] , mylist3[i]. in activity file there 15 images in every list. do? intent intent = new intent(); intent.setaction(intent.action_send); intent.settype("image/*"); uri uri = uri.parse("android.resource://com.example.drawcelebrities/"+mylist1[i]+mylist2[i]+mylist3[i]); intent.putextra(intent.extra_stream, uri); startactivity(intent.createchooser(intent, "share via")); take image array in mylist[] , use below code, share image via whatsapp. uri uri = uri.parse("android.resource://"+getpackagename()+"/"+mylist[i]); intent shareintent = new intent(); shareintent.setaction(intent.action_send); shareintent.settype("image/*"); shareintent.putextra(intent.extra_stream, uri); startactivity(intent.createchooser(shareintent, "share via"));

download - How to get type of proxy authentication scheme on proxy server while using winapi? -

i want download file using bits or other asynchronous file download winapi. can suggest method identify proxy authentication scheme on server can act accordingly in application. (for ex. either ntlm or kerberos or simple basic authentication, digest authentication or passport ... etc. )

javascript - How to change color of a sprite over time in melonJS -

i want add trail effect moving object fade on time. i've got far: game.trail = me.entity.extend({ init:function (x, y, settings) { this._super(me.entity, 'init', [ x, y, { image: "ball", width: 32, height: 32 } ]); (new me.tween(this.renderable)) .to({ alpha : 0, }, 5000) .oncomplete((function () {; }).bind(this)) .start(); }, update : function (dt) { this.body.update(dt); return (this._super(me.entity, 'update', [dt]) || this.body.vel.x !== 0 || this.body.vel.y !== 0); } }); demo (move wasd or arrow keys) here a link full project test locally. but want change colors of items in trail in same way fading done. in phaser done tinting sprite, have no clue how achieve on melonjs. note: if effect can done basic shapes instead of images work too. with melonjs canvas renderer, you'll have ad

php - Parsing Preformatted Formula to Array Recursively -

i trying create formula parser , stuck on how recursively convert code array of expressions. take following formula example: $formula = " @var[a, 3]; @if[ (a <= 3) & (a = 3) ]: @var[a, + 4]; @if[ > 5 ]: @use[a]; @endif @elseif[ > 4 ]: @var[a, 2]; @else: @var[a, 5]; @endif @var[a,5]; @use[a]; "; should output: { "0": "var[a, 3];", "if[ (a <= 3) & (a = 3) ]:": { "0": "var[a, + 4];", "1": "endif", "if[ > 5 ]:": [ "use[a];" ] }, "elseif[ > 4 ]:": [ "var[a, 2];" ], "else:": [ "var[a, 5];" ], "1": "endif", "2": "var[a,5];", "3": "use[a];", } so can iterate through each item , evalu

"Read .JSON file" methods in unity C# that also work with IOS and Android platforms -

i'm new unity , stuck reading .json file previous few days. there lot of threads , methods explain every time tried of them , worked perfect on unity editor in ios , android devices don't load data. tried 1 - simplejson here 2 - tried use .plist file save data(which in form of dictionary) , convert extension .txt .plist not work on ios , used plist parser given on link to read plist again worked unity editor not android , ios devices. now while i'm searching around , there number of methods litjson fxjson etc. before trying them , want ask if know method work ios , android devices. can list ways read json file work ios , android... thank you. addition : on xcode it's giving me following error , not load .json file. code i've used read file following : string jsn; using (streamreader r = new streamreader("assets/resources/foodstore.json")) { jsn = r.readtoend (); } jsondata jsonbooks = jsonmapper.toobject(jsn); the asset

iOS Force Touch background on Locked Screen -

the new ios , iphone force touch can have sort of animated background on lock screen. have been looking way create own background featurete, searching come emty. possible, or "apple only" thing? you can create own background feature, have take live photo (iphone 6s , 6s plus now) , set background.

java - Use Darcula LAF in JFrame -

i have darcula laf installed in netbeans, , functional. modifies way ide looks way applications in 'preview design' popup , gui builder. here example. however, , feel doesn't stay when running application. here example. the installed , feels listed using code for (javax.swing.uimanager.lookandfeelinfo info : javax.swing.uimanager.getinstalledlookandfeels()) { system.out.println(info.getname()); } clearly, darcula laf installed. however, isn't showing installed compiler. there way me laf compiler while maintaining netbeans module? i have looked on download page , github page , , geertjan's blog information on subject, have found nothing related this. i'm sure i'm missing painfully obvious. not setting , feel has default metal, , using os default , feel doesn't resolve issue, either. all appreciated, apologize if incorrectly formatted. edit: set nimbus in code clarity. have screenshots of how reacts when isn&

shader - Rendering Depth Map in Unreal Engine -

i try build shader in unreal able render depth image post in unity

javascript - Getting Promise Pending with Firebase and Express/Node.js -

i've run trouble working firebase. i'd retrieve data firebase database using express server , pass data object can use in jade templates. want take data 2 different endpoints , set data value of key in firebasedata object you'll see below. instead of receiving object keys , values expect 2 values each promise {<pending>} . log firebasedata object out in console see , nothing rendered in dom. rendering page quickly? here code working with: app.get("/cac", function(req, res){ var firebasedata = {}; function getfirebasedata(endpoint){ return firebase.database().ref(endpoint).once("value", function(snapshot){ return snapshot.val(); }); } firebasedata.members = getfirebasedata("cac_members"); = getfirebasedata("cac_events"); console.log(firebasedata); res.render("cac", firebasedata); }); in console: { members: promise { <pending> }, events: promi

c++ - Error when adapting a class with BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_ADT -

i've following class: #ifndef wfractal_fractal_metadata_h_ #define wfractal_fractal_metadata_h_ #include <string> namespace wfractal { namespace fractal { class metadata { public: void setauthorname(const std::string &name); void setauthoremail(const std::string &email); void setbriefdescription(const std::string &brief); void setcompletedescription(const std::string &description); std::string getauthorname() const; std::string getauthoremail() const; std::string getbriefdescription() const; std::string getcompletedescription() const; public: bool operator==(const metadata &other); private: std::string m_name; std::string m_email; std::string m_brief; std::string m_description; }; } // namespace fractal } // namespace wfractal #endif // !wfractal_fractal_metadata_h_ i want parse using boost::spirit following file content: metadata { author = "me"; email = "myemail&

html - PHP mail function doesn't complete sending of e-mail -

<?php $name = $_post['name']; $email = $_post['email']; $message = $_post['message']; $from = 'from:'; $to = ''; $subject = 'customer inquiry'; $body = "from: $name\n e-mail: $email\n message:\n $message"; if ($_post['submit']) { if (mail ($to, $subject, $body, $from)) { echo '<p>your message has been sent!</p>'; } else { echo '<p>something went wrong, go , try again!</p>'; } } ?> i've tried creating simple mail form. form on index.html page, submits separate "thank submission" page, thankyou.php , above php code embedded. code submits perfectly, never sends email. please help. although there portions of answer apply usage of the mail() function itself, many of these troubleshooting steps can applied php mailing system. th

ios - Game restarts after segue to gameOverViewcontroller -

i have problem sprite kit game, restart after use model segue gameoverviewcontroller. fps gets divide 2 after each time restart game. need way delete game after use segue. have tried self.dismissviewcontrolleranimated(true, completion: nil) don't know should put. i have in storyboard 3 view controllers 1 start uses button modal segue second 1 have game scene played. override func viewwilllayoutsubviews() { super.viewwilllayoutsubviews() print("start vc") // configure view. let skview = self.view as! skview skview.showsfps = true skview.showsnodecount = true skview.multipletouchenabled = true /* sprite kit applies additional optimizations improve rendering performance */ skview.ignoressiblingorder = true /* set scale mode scale fit window */ scene = gamescene(size: skview.bounds.size) scene.scalemode = .aspectfill scene.viewcontroller = self skview.presentscene(scene) } at end when player dies use in

c# - Save products in basket , when close activity -

i have basket activity when add products list of products. code of adding attributes += delegate { var intent = new intent (this, typeof(cartactivity)); intent.putextra ("title", (string)(firstitem ["post_title"])); intent.putextra ("price", (string)(firstitem ["price"] + " грн")); intent.putextra ("weight", (string)(firstitem ["weight"] + "г")); startactivity (intent); }; code of receiving attributes productname.text = intent.getstringextra("title"); price.text = intent.getstringextra("price"); weight.text = intent.getstringextra("weight"); i tried onpause namespace murakamikiev { [activity(label = "murakami", icon = "@drawable/logo", theme = "@android:style/", screenorientation = screenorientation.portrait)] public class cartactivity : activity {

javascript - Cache busting via params -

we want cache bust on production deploys, not waste bunch of time off bat figuring out system doing so. thought apply param end of css , js files current version number: <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/> two questions: break cache? param cause browser never cache response url since param indicates dynamic content? the param ?v=1.123 indicates query string, , browser therefore think new path from, say, ?v=1.0 . causing load file, not cache. want. and, browser assume source stay same next time call ?v=1.123 , should cache string. remain cached, server set up, until move ?v=1.124 or on.

mule - Dataweave field named "zip" how do I use it in the mapping? -

i receiving payload such: { "street": "123 fake st", "city": "san francisco" "state": "ca", "zip": 94117 } but in dataweave, looks editor thinks zip function. how not think that? here dataweave: address: { street: payload.address.street, city:, state: payload.address.state, zip: }, the error being listed on "zip: payload.address. zip " thanks help as mentioned anirban, configuration working properly. indeed when open dataweave code in studio, zip field recognized function. , studio lists error. therefore avoid ambiguity, suggest wrap inside single quote: zip: payload.address.'zip' . no error listed anymore.

javascript - Google Adsense Error "TagError: adsbygoogle.push() error: No slot size for availableWidth=0 " -

i'm using responsive google ads on website unfortunately not working time , of time returning tagerror: adsbygoogle.push() error: no slot size availablewidth=0 i tried fix issue defining ad sizes still issue not resolved yet. .adslot_1 { width: 320px; height: 100px; } @media (min-width:500px) { .adslot_1 { width: 468px; height: 60px; } } @media (min-width:800px) { .adslot_1 { width: 728px; height: 90px; } } @media screen , (min-width:800px)and (max-width:3000px) { #topbanner { width: 640px; height: 90px; } } well, actual google adsense google code i've used (for security reasons i've remove pub-id , ad-slot.) <script async src="//"></script> <!-- articles(auto) --> <ins class="adsbygoogle adslot_1" style="display:inline-block;" data-ad-client="ca-pub-[my_ad_id]" data-ad-slot="ad_slot_nos" d