javascript - Child div not disappearing with visibility hidden -

my code involves having div in div, , when set both of visibilities hidden, parent div disappears. in debugging attempt, tried print out visibility of child div, , has 'visibility: hidden'.

#popup {     visibility: visible;     margin: auto;     position: fixed;     background-color: black;     padding-top: 5px;     padding-bottom: 5px;     padding-left: .5%;     padding-right: .5%;     border-radius: 4px;     left: 14.5%;     top: 20px;     width: 70%;     height: 450px; } #redx {     visibility: visible;     position: absolute;     right: 0px;     top: 0px;     width: 35px;     height: 35px;     text-align: center;     font-size: 25px;     font-weight: bold;     color: white;     background-color: red;     transition: .2s color ease-out; }  ------------------------------------------------     // how control styles in changepopupvisibility()     var popup = document.getelementbyid('popup');     var redx = document.getelementbyid('redx');      var popupopen = true; ------------------------------------------------      // rx variable use paste redx in different functions.     var rx = "<div id='redx' onclick='changepopupvisibility()'>x</div><br>";  ------------------------------------------------ // how change visibility when x has been clicked function changepopupvisibility() {         popupopen = !popupopen;         if (popupopen) {    = "visible";    = "visible";         }         else {    = "hidden";    = "hidden";         } } 

in case gets little confusing, i've put working version of mean on my website. click red x once , disappear, click word "left" , try again , parent disappear.


you should use: display: none; makes element not displayed @ , has no effect on layout, visibility: hidden; element invisible still occupies space in layout.


css visibility property

and more specifically:

css layout - display property


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