Rails slow view rendering -

does console output normal?

16:10:01 rails.1 | started "/" @ 2015-11-01 16:10:01 +0000 16:10:02 rails.1 | processing pagescontroller#home html 16:10:02 rails.1 | (1.5ms) select count() "parks" 16:10:02 rails.1 | (1.0ms) select count() "trains" "trains"."superseded_at" null 16:10:02 rails.1 | train load (10.9ms) select "trains".* "trains" order "trains"."train_sort" asc 16:10:02 rails.1 | cycle load (26.6ms) select "cycles".* "cycles" "cycles"."train_id" in (22147, 21958, 22055, 22059, 22356, 22045, 22001, 22072, 21836, 22000, 21800, 22042, 22373, 21818, 22024, 22364, 22365, 22168, 21863, 22242, 22054, 22060, 21899, 22392, 22117, 21920, 21822, 22354, 22401, 21931, 21826, 21834, 22306, 21970, 21980, 21791, 21790, 21961, 22037, 21955, 21985, 22191, 22391, 21870, 22004, 22180, 22164, 22383, 22405, 22161, 22169, 22254, 21812, 22031, 22219, 22063, 21873, 22028, 22232, 21942, 22175, 21953, 21787, 22251, 21900, 22206, 21805, 21793, 22390, 22066, 21783, 22376, 22083, 22415, 22346, 21913, 21932, 22011, 22394, 22250, 21866, 22328, 22324, 21839, 21939, 22021, 22087, 22290, 22027, 21993, 22065, 22187, 22278, 21902, 21861, 21963, 21952, 22304, 22293, 22284, 22279, 22269, 21848, 21788, 21855, 21854, 22209, 21857, 21784, 22188, 22178, 22181, 22166, 22146, 21883, 22239, 22137, 22135, 21903, 22133, 22127, 22099, 22098, 22095, 22090, 21912, 22096, 22398, 22397, 22222, 21937, 21936, 22006, 21998, 22361, 22380, 22023, 21979, 21810, 22351, 22204, 22357, 22396, 22240, 22198, 22208, 22211, 21926, 22139, 22294, 22297, 22026, 22344, 21959, 22082, 22094, 22067, 21974, 22106, 22126, 22277, 21809, 22141, 22384, 22234, 22404, 22243, 22049, 21881, 22409, 22159, 21829, 21846, 21885, 21878, 21890, 21897, 21910, 21919, 22221, 22228, 21934, 21935, 21977, 21994, 22044, 22051, 22046, 22047, 22062, 22084, 22103, 22109, 22123, 22116, 22121, 22124, 22237, 22241, 22142, 22184, 22189, 22196, 21789, 22255, 22256, 22314, 22368, 22371, 22411, 21992, 22104, 22100, 22056, 22322, 22020, 22165, 22203, 22010, 22227, 22149, 22015, 22353, 22275, 21880, 22274, 22032, 22064, 21989, 22310, 22330, 22245, 21823, 22183, 22374, 21884, 21908, 22119, 22105, 22025, 22319, 21838, 22002, 22048, 21850, 21865, 22085, 22143, 22285, 21924, 22102, 22323, 22073, 21909, 21786, 22318, 22151, 22077, 21799, 22113, 22316, 21803, 22308, 22289, 21840, 22271, 22366, 22185, 21951, 21871, 21945, 21802, 22199, 22336, 22007, 21796, 22343, 22387, 21916, 22305, 22195, 22338, 22226, 22192, 22249, 22217, 22130, 22120, 22296, 22307, 21990, 22043, 21987, 21907, 22138, 21815, 22112, 22231, 21949, 21978, 21950, 21969, 22375, 22367, 22362, 21940, 21933, 21930, 21929, 22332, 22016, 22327, 22019, 22298, 22038, 21923, 22268, 21804, 22229, 22267, 22259, 22253, 21851, 21853, 22194, 22068, 21869, 22190, 22160, 22079, 22148, 22402, 22236, 22097, 21915, 22101, 22128, 22129, 22400, 22111, 21828, 21896, 22281, 21794, 22320, 21797, 22326, 21806, 21981, 21964, 22378, 22370, 22013, 22291, 22295, 22093, 22122, 21795, 22108, 22272, 21921, 22340, 22012, 22399, 22110, 22299, 22286, 22041, 22218, 21798, 22177, 22089, 21967, 21886, 22282, 21960, 22359, 22358, 21821, 22395, 21971, 22207, 21973, 21876, 22408, 22174, 22125, 21898, 22091, 22238, 22403, 22248, 21887, 22144, 22081, 22076, 21891, 22170, 22173, 21874, 22176, 22182, 21867, 22406, 22197, 22200, 22205, 21986, 22058, 21847, 21792, 22057, 21845, 22263, 22407, 22260, 22270, 22266, 22393, 21844, 22280, 22030, 22309, 21982, 22018, 22342, 21824, 21946, 21827, 21819, 21999, 22413, 22369, 22414, 21817, 21814, 22381, 22389, 22382, 21997, 21954, 22115, 21905, 21860, 21901, 22311, 22193, 22230, 22313, 21991, 21816, 22363, 22114, 21938, 22186, 22179, 21928, 21983, 22360, 22022, 22092, 21864, 21831, 22074, 22257, 22003, 22131, 22388, 21894, 22349, 22337, 22348, 21996, 22140, 21825, 22347, 21966, 22132, 22345, 22352, 22152, 22202, 22210, 22075, 22088, 22172, 22134, 22118, 22086, 22171, 21922, 22107, 21917, 21868, 21879, 22158, 22386, 22157, 21841, 21957, 22163, 21842, 21843, 22155, 22220, 22287, 22040, 22069, 22201, 22071, 22061, 22078, 21895, 22053, 21914, 22212, 22080, 22300, 22412, 22213, 22301, 22154, 22153, 21832, 21801, 22145, 21906, 21911, 21995, 22224, 21904, 21856, 21852, 22252, 22385, 22264, 22052, 21984, 22235, 21811, 22246, 21956, 21892, 22288, 22039, 21888, 21837, 22292, 22036, 22035, 21968, 22303, 22034, 21925, 21941, 22312, 21927, 22321, 22317, 21962, 22325, 22331, 22329, 22339, 21813, 21877, 21875, 21976, 22410, 22225, 22247, 22215, 22335, 21965, 22341, 22233, 22334, 22005, 22333, 22315, 21988, 22029, 21835, 21858, 22276, 22050, 21862, 21882, 22273, 22262, 22261, 22265, 21872, 21785, 22009, 21947, 21893, 22214, 21944, 21820, 22008, 22216, 22302, 22033, 22223, 21972, 22156, 21849, 22377, 22162, 22070, 21948, 22167, 22136, 22355, 22350, 22379, 21830, 21975, 22372, 21943, 22258, 22017, 21918, 21859, 21808, 21889, 21807, 22283, 22150, 22244, 22014, 21833) 16:10:02 rails.1 | (0.6ms) select count(*) "photos" 16:10:03 rails.1 | rendered pages/home.html.erb within layouts/application (0.4ms) 16:10:03 rails.1 | rendered shared/_svg.html.erb (0.6ms) 16:10:03 rails.1 | rendered shared/_svg.html.erb (0.1ms) 16:10:04 rails.1 | rendered shared/_banner_slideshow.html.erb (0.1ms) 16:10:04 rails.1 | rendered shared/_flash_messages.html.erb (0.4ms) 16:10:04 rails.1 | rendered shared/_svg.html.erb (0.1ms) 16:10:04 rails.1 | rendered shared/_svg.html.erb (0.1ms) 16:10:04 rails.1 | rendered shared/_svg.html.erb (0.1ms) 16:10:04 rails.1 | rendered shared/_svg.html.erb (0.1ms) 16:10:04 rails.1 | rendered shared/_svg.html.erb (0.1ms) 16:10:04 rails.1 | completed 200 ok in 2414ms (views: 2033.0ms | activerecord: 40.6ms)

why individual parts of render take less 1ms total views rendering on 2 seconds?

home.html.erb: - emptied out see if in here cuaisng slowness outputting single word total view render on 2 seconds.



<svg role="img" aria-labelledby="title desc" class="<%= classs if local_assigns[:classs] %>">   <% if local_assigns[:title] %>     <title id="title"><%= title %></title>   <% end %>   <% if local_assigns[:description] %>     <desc id="desc"><%= description %></desc>   <% end %>   <use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#<%= hash %>"></use> </svg> 


<div class="gallery banner banner--slideshow">   <div class="gallery__slide"></div>   <div class="gallery__slide"></div>   <div class="gallery__slide"></div>   <div class="gallery__slide"></div> </div> 


<% if flash.any? %>   <% flash.each |type, message| %>     <%= render partial: 'shared/flash_message', locals: { type: type, message: message } %>   <% end %> <% end %> 


<div class="message-box message-box--<%= type %>">   <a class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</a>   <%= message %> </div> 

you can improve code reduce call's subviews in _flash-messages.html.erb:

<% if flash.any? %>         <%= render partial: 'shared/flash_message', locals: { flash: flash } %> <% end %> 

then in _flash-message.html.erb:

<% flash.each |type, message| %>   <div class="message-box message-box--<%= type %>">     <a class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</a>     <%= message %>   </div> <% end %> 

this reduce sub-views rendering , take less time finish job.


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