javascript - d3 pie chart not displaying all labels -

i trying simple pie chart labels inside slices. can display labels not all. e.g. in sample code have rick 5%, paul 4% , steve 3% not displayed because of small size of slices. how can overcome problem?

<html> <head>         <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">     <title>testing pie chart</title>     <!--<script type="text/javascript" src="d3/d3.v2.js"></script>-->     <script src="../js/d3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>     <style type="text/css">          #piechart {                 position:absolute;             top:10px;             left:10px;             width:400px;             height: 400px;          }          #linechart {                 position:absolute;             top:10px;             left:410px;             height: 150px;         }          #barchart {             position:absolute;             top:160px;             left:410px;             height: 250px;         }          .slice {             font-size: 8pt;             font-family: verdana;             fill: white; //svg specific - instead of color             font-weight: normal ;            }           /*for line chart*/         .axis path, .axis line {             fill: none;             stroke: black;             shape-rendering: crispedges; //the shape-rendering property svg attribute, used here make sure our axis , tick mark lines pixel-perfect.          }          .line {             fill: none;             /*stroke: steelblue;*/             stroke-width: 3px;         }          .dot {             /*fill: white;*/             /*stroke: steelblue;*/             stroke-width: 1.5px;         }           .axis text {             font-family: verdana;             font-size: 11px;         }          .title {             font-family: verdana;             font-size: 15px;              }          .xaxis {             font-family: verdana;             font-size: 11px;             fill: black;         }            .yaxis {             font-family: verdana;             font-size: 11px;             fill: white;         }           table {             border-collapse:collapse;             border: 0px;                 font-family: verdana;                color: #5c5558;             font-size: 12px;             text-align: right;                   }          td {             padding-left: 10px;              }          #linecharttitle1 {             font-family: verdana;             font-size  : 14px;             fill       : lightgrey;             font-weight: bold;             text-anchor: middle;         }          #linecharttitle2 {             font-family: verdana;             font-size  : 72px;             fill       : grey;             text-anchor: middle;             font-weight: bold;             /*font-style: italic;*/         }      </style>  </head> <body>          var formataspercentage = d3.format("%"),                 formataspercentage1dec = d3.format(".1%"),                 formatasinteger = d3.format(","),                 fsec = d3.time.format("%s s"),                 fmin = d3.time.format("%m m"),                 fhou = d3.time.format("%h h"),                 fwee = d3.time.format("%a"),                 fdat = d3.time.format("%d d"),                 fmon = d3.time.format("%b")                 ;           function dspiechart() {              var dataset = [                 {category: "tom", measure: 0.30},                 {category: "john", measure: 0.30},                 {category: "martin", measure: 0.30},                 {category: "sam", measure: 0.30},                 {category: "peter", measure: 0.25},                 {category: "johannes", measure: 0.15},                 {category: "rick", measure: 0.05},                 {category: "lenny", measure: 0.18},                 {category: "paul", measure: 0.04},                 {category: "steve", measure: 0.03}             ]                     ;              var width = 400,                     height = 400,                     outerradius = math.min(width, height) / 2,                     innerradius = outerradius * .999,                     // animation                     innerradiusfinal = outerradius * .5,                     innerradiusfinal3 = outerradius * .45,                     color = d3.scale.category20()    //builtin range of colors                     ;              var vis ="#piechart")                     .append("svg:svg")                                   .data([dataset])                                       .attr("width", width)                               .attr("height", height)                     .append("svg:g")                                     .attr("transform", "translate(" + outerradius + "," + outerradius + ")")                        ;              var arc = d3.svg.arc()                                  .outerradius(outerradius).innerradius(innerradius);              // animation             var arcfinal = d3.svg.arc().innerradius(innerradiusfinal).outerradius(outerradius);             var arcfinal3 = d3.svg.arc().innerradius(innerradiusfinal3).outerradius(outerradius);              var pie = d3.layout.pie()                                .value(function (d) {                         return d.measure;                     });                 var arcs = vis.selectall("g.slice")                          .data(pie)                                               .enter()                                                 .append("svg:g")                                     .attr("class", "slice")                         .on("mouseover", mouseover)                     .on("mouseout", mouseout)                     .on("click", up)                     ;              arcs.append("svg:path")                     .attr("fill", function (d, i) {                         return color(i);                     })                      .attr("d", arc)                          .append("svg:title")                      .text(function (d) {                         return + ": " + formataspercentage(;                     });              d3.selectall("g.slice").selectall("path").transition()                     .duration(750)                     .delay(10)                     .attr("d", arcfinal)                     ;              arcs.filter(function (d) {                 return d.endangle - d.startangle > .2;             })                     .append("svg:text")                     .attr("dy", ".35em")                     .attr("text-anchor", "middle")                     .attr("transform", function (d) {                         return "translate(" + arcfinal.centroid(d) + ")rotate(" + angle(d) + ")";                     })                      .text(function (d) {                         return;                     })                     ;              function angle(d) {                 var = (d.startangle + d.endangle) * 90 / math.pi - 90;                 return > 90 ? - 180 : a;             }               // pie chart title                       vis.append("svg:text")                     .attr("dy", ".35em")                     .attr("text-anchor", "middle")                     .text("revenue share 2012")                     .attr("class", "title")                     ;               function mouseover() {       "path").transition()                         .duration(750)                         //.attr("stroke","red")                         //.attr("stroke-width", 1.5)                         .attr("d", arcfinal3)                         ;             }              function mouseout() {       "path").transition()                         .duration(750)                         //.attr("stroke","blue")                         //.attr("stroke-width", 1.5)                         .attr("d", arcfinal)                         ;             }              function up(d, i) {                  updatebarchart(, color(i));                 updatelinechart(, color(i));              }         }          dspiechart();       </script> </body> 

this line of code determines slices label text appended them:

arcs.filter(function (d) {     return d.endangle - d.startangle > .2; }) .append("svg:text")... 

so slices total arc angle less 0.2 radians filtered out, , label text not added.

you reduce filter value, display labels on thinner slices (e.g. change .2 in example .05) effect want:

labels on smaller arcs


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