graphql - Relay requests via setVariables -
when request made via setvariables there way take account of local state in-between async requests i.e. implement loading indicator ?
an illustration making requests
_onchange = (ev) => { this.setstate({ loading:true }) let giftype =; this.props.relay.setvariables({ giftype }); this.setstate({ loading:false }) }
this won't track loading state , loading pass on false while async change view have lag.
if move loading setvariables there way track response ? in root container there ability track response via
renderloading={function() { return <div>loading...</div>; }}
is there similar method relay.createcontainer
is bad practice use setvariables navigate through data sets ?
full code
class giphitems extends react.component { constructor(){ super(); this.state = { loading: false } } render() { const random = return <div> <select onchange={this._onchange.bind(this)} value={this.props.relay.variables.giftype}> <option value="sexy">sexy</option> <option value="cats">cats</option> <option value="goal">goal</option> <option value="lol">lol</option> </select> {this.state.loading ? 'loading' : <a href={random.url}><img src={random.images.original.url} classname="img-responsive"/></a>} </div>; } _onchange = (ev) => { this.setstate({ loading:true }) let giftype =; this.props.relay.setvariables({ giftype }); this.setstate({ loading:false }) } } giphitems = relay.createcontainer(giphitems, { initialvariables: { giftype: "sexy" }, fragments: { store: () => relay.ql` fragment on giphyapi { random(tag: $giftype ) { id url images { original { url } } } } `, }, });
setvariables method accepts callback 2nd argument responds events involved data fulfillment , receives 'readystate' object can inspect:
this.props.relay.setvariables({ giftype, }, (readystate)=> { if (!readystate.done) { this.setstate({ loading: true }) } else if(readystate.done) { this.setstate({ loading: false }) } })
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