sql - VB.net Faster way of creating folders, subfolders and Excel files within those folders -
i'm using vb 2010, sql server 2012 excel 2010.
the users @ company have requirement use specific excel report hospitals , doctors.
i have table in sql server contains data , name of person assigned hospital/doctor office, hospital name , lastly address of hospital name/doctor office.
the folders can have following structure:
c:\test\assignee name\hospital name\hospital or doctor address\hospital or doctor address.xlsx
alternatively hospital name blank ending following structure:
c:\test\assignee name\hospital or doctor address\hospital or doctor address.xlsx
here code have until now, takes 4 hours 4 of these assignee folders , reports generated.
i need have 26 assignee folders, 3831 subfolders, 7281 files.
i'm looking faster way of doing this, please.
here code:
private sub create_cqm_folders_vb()
private sub create_cqm_folders_vb() dim t1 datetime = datetime.now dim t2 datetime dim duration timespan dim connectionstring string = "server=server1;initial catalog=database1;integrated security=sspi" using conn new sqlconnection(connectionstring) dim command new sqlcommand("select distinct [chase assignment],[folder grouping],standardprovideraddress2 sites_assigned", conn) dim count integer = 1 conn.open() dim myreader sqldatareader = command.executereader() //myreader = command.executereader while (myreader.read()) stringvar = trim(myreader(0).tostring) stringvar2 = trim(myreader(1).tostring) stringvar3 = trim(myreader(2).tostring) if string.isnullorempty(stringvar2) mkdir("c:\test\" & stringvar & "\" & stringvar3) call create_main_cqm_report() if val(xlappsumm.version) < 12 //you use excel 2000-2003 fileextstr = ".xls" : fileformatnum = -4143 else //you use excel 2007 fileextstr = ".xlsx" : fileformatnum = 51 end if //save each of reports corresponding paths dim xlsxfilename string xlsxfilename = stringvar3 xlworkbooksumm.saveas("c:\test\" & stringvar & "\" & stringvar3 _ & "\" & xlsxfilename & fileextstr, fileformat:=fileformatnum) xlworkbooksumm.close() xlappsumm.quit() // end if else mkdir("c:\test\" & stringvar & "\" & stringvar2 & "\" & stringvar3) call create_main_cqm_report() if val(xlappsumm.version) < 12 //you use excel 2000-2003 fileextstr = ".xls" : fileformatnum = -4143 else //you use excel 2007 fileextstr = ".xlsx" : fileformatnum = 51 end if //save each of reports corresponding paths dim xlsxfilename string xlsxfilename = stringvar3 xlworkbooksumm.saveas("c:\test\" & stringvar & "\" & stringvar2 & "\" & stringvar3 _ & "\" & xlsxfilename & fileextstr, fileformat:=fileformatnum) xlworkbooksumm.close() xlappsumm.quit() //end if count = count + 1 end if end while conn.close() end using t2 = datetime.now duration = t2.subtract(t1) //get difference , display messagebox.show(string.format("elapsed time: {0} hours, {1} minutes, {2} seconds", duration.hours, duration.minutes, duration.seconds)) messagebox.show("all reports have been created") end sub
private sub create_main_cqm_report()
private sub create_main_cqm_report() //show cqm report in datagridview try dim connstring string = "server=server1;initial catalog=database1;integrated security=sspi" dim conn new sqlconnection(connstring) dim dbcomd new sqlclient.sqlcommand("select * rpt_assigned_reports order [chase assignment], [folder grouping], standardprovideraddress2", conn) conn.open() dbcomd.commandtype = commandtype.text // dbcomd.commandtimeout = 900 dim adapters new sqldataadapter(dbcomd) dim dset new dataset() adapters.fill(dset) datagridview1.datasource = dset.tables(0) datagridview1.allowusertoaddrows = false dim dv new dataview() dv = dset.tables(0).defaultview // dataview datatable if string.isnullorempty(stringvar2) dv.rowfilter = "[chase assignment] = '" & stringvar & "' , standardprovideraddress2 = '" & stringvar3 & "'" else dv.rowfilter = "[chase assignment] = '" & stringvar & "' , [folder grouping] = '" & stringvar2 & "' , standardprovideraddress2 = '" & stringvar3 & "'" end if conn.close() catch ex exception messagebox.show("error while retrieving records table..." & ex.message, "retrieve records") //system.windows.messagebox.show("records retrieved") end try dim misvalue object = system.reflection.missing.value dim lastrow long dim curr_date string = datetime.now.tostring("mm.dd.yyyy hh.mm.ss") copyalltoclipboard() xlappsumm = new excel.application() xlworkbooksumm = xlappsumm.workbooks.add(misvalue) xlworksheetsumm = xlworkbooksumm.sheets("sheet1") xlworksheetsumm.range("a1").pastespecial(excel.xlpastetype.xlpasteall) //xlworksheetsumm.columns("a:a").delete() xlappsumm.visible = false xlworksheetsumm //save each of reports corresponding paths .columns("a:an").entirecolumn.autofit() end my.computer.clipboard.clear() //clear datagridview next sheet call clear_dgv1() end sub
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