php - BDD Behat change expected value based on profile -
my behat feature file
scenario: verify docs given i'm on "/docs" should see "link1" link href of "" should see "link2" link href of "" should see "link3" link href of "" should see "link4" link href of "" should see "link5" link href of ""
the expected value links changes based on profile. say, if run using server1 profile, link i'm expecting link1 """ , if want run using server2 profile, link link5 i'm expecting """.
so possible use parameter file example
profile: server1 linkvar1: "" linkvar2: "" profile: server2 linkvar1: "" linkvar2: ""
and in feature file
given i'm on "/docs" should see "link1" link href of "%linkvar1%" should see "link2" link href of "%linkvar2%"
or else suggest how can achieve in better way.
you have multiple option here:
1) check link page ( without base url ) can have step like:
i should see link contains "link1"
in step href attribute , check parameter.
2) selector each link , check need (element exists/is visible). can have use steps like:
i should see "css_selector" element "css_selector" element should not visible
of course selectors should based on href, like:
[href*='link1'] [href$='link1']
see more css selectors here: w3schools
3) if have different number of links can add parameter in behat.yml each profile, read parameter , use in control structure (if-else, switch). , can define step like:
the navigation menu should displayed
the section_name section should displayed
you can define parameters each profile, consider using them efficient possible, wouldn't want have behat.yml full of parameters.
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