c# - Parse JSON into an object -

i json string/object server c# client.

this json:

[ {"printid":1,"printref":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","header":"header","tc":"tc","companyref":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"}, {"printid":2,"printref":"39a10cee-7cb3-4ed3-aec2-293761eed96d","header":"header","tc":"tc","companyref":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"}] 

i trying convert list of object so:

public ienumerable<model.print> get() {     var print = new list<model.print>();      using (var client = new httpclient())     {         client.baseaddress = new uri(shared.url);         client.defaultrequestheaders.accept.clear();         client.defaultrequestheaders.accept.add(new mediatypewithqualityheadervalue(shared.headertype));         var response = client.getasync(route + "?" + generaltags.customer_ref + "=" + new guid().tostring()).result;          if (response.issuccessstatuscode)         {             var strjson = response.content.readasstringasync().result;             var strjson2 = (jobject)jsonconvert.deserializeobject(strjson);              list<model.print> items = strjson2["data"].select(x => new model.print             {                 companyref = (guid)x["companyref"],                 header = (string)x["header"],                 printid = (int)x["printid"],                 printref = (guid)x["printref"],                 tc = (string)x["tc"]             }).tolist();                          }         else         {             everror(new exception(string.format("{0}: {1}", (int)response.statuscode, response.reasonphrase)), errortags.print_get);         }     }     return print; } 

but errors on line:

var strjson2 = (jobject)jsonconvert.deserializeobject(strjson); 

this error:

unable cast object of type 'newtonsoft.json.linq.jarray' type 'newtonsoft.json.linq.jobject'. 

your top level json structure array instead of object. therefor need cast jarray instead of jobject:

var root = (jobject)jsonconvert.deserializeobject(strjson); 

if want extract objects instead:

var objs = ((jarray)jsonconvert.deserializeobject(json)).values<jobject>(); 


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