visual studio 2015 - The EntityFramework package is not installed on project ASP.NET Beta8 -
trying entity framework 7 work in 5 beta8 project. have references entityframework.sqlserver 7.0.0-beta8 , entityframework.commands 7.0.0-beta8 packages in references.
yet when go nuget package manager console , type:
enable-migrations entityframework package not installed on project "my project"
and add-migration
add-migration initialmigration entityframework package not installed on project "my project"
the default project in console set correct project.
the migrations experience in 5 still work-in-progress. following steps overly complex , simplified time reach stable release.
now have model, can use migrations create database you.
- open command prompt (windows key + r, type cmd, click ok)
- use
command navigate project directory - run
dnvm use 1.0.0-beta8
- run
dnx ef migrations add myfirstmigration
scaffold migration create initial set of tables model. - run
dnx ef database update
apply new migration database.
because database doesn’t exist yet, created before migration applied.
source: entity framework 7 documentation
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