php - AngularJS automated routes -
i use lightweight php framework @ job uses mvc architecture, url's built /controller/action/
. in between using same php framework , angularjs + rest api in project start developing on free time. i've familiarized myself basics of angularjs , built structure + authentication tokens.
i created route splitting window.location.href, when controller needs parameters, should wildcard. can done? or stuck manually creating route params?
.when('/' + controller + '/' + action, { templateurl: '/assets/layouts/' + controller + '/' + action+ '.html', controller: controller + methodpath })
edit: controller not nescessary if init in view element, methodpath method first letter capitalized creating controller usersregister, path /users/register
well, figured out. find out rest of path , include them in when
. rough example , should extended set default method if 1 not found, such main
or index
var location = window.location.href; var arguments = location.split('/'); if(arguments.length > 4) { var module = arguments[3]; var method = arguments[4]; var methodpath = method.charat(0).touppercase() + method.slice(1); } var routeparams = []; for(var = 5, x = 0; < arguments.length; i++, x++) { var argument = ':param' + x; routeparams.push(argument); } routeparams = routeparams.join('/'); $routeprovider. when('/' + module + '/' + method + '/' + routeparams, { templateurl: '/assets/layouts/' + module + '/' + method + '.html', controller: module + methodpath })
now can access parameters in controller
usersmodule.controller('usersregister', function($scope, $rootscope, $routeparams) { $scope.uid = $routeparams.param0; }
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