mocking - Nightwatch Mock HTTP Requests -

i try mocking http requests nock , other libs sinonjs without success.

import nock "nock"  const url = "http://localhost:8080/"  const sign_in_path = "/fake/users/sign_in.json"  export const signinrequest = (status, payload = {}) => {   return nock(url).get(sign_in_path).reply(status, payload) } 


import { signinrequest } "./../../utils/fakerequests"  const dologin = (browser) => {   return browser           .url("http://localhost:8080")           .waitforelementvisible('form', 1000)           .setvalue('input[name=email]', '')           .setvalue('input[name=password]', 'somepass')           .click('button[type=submit]')           .pause(500) }  export default {   "do login , shows error message": (browser) => {     signinrequest(403)      dologin(browser)       .waitforelementvisible('.error', 1000)       .end()   } } 

its possible mock http requests nightwatch?

nightwatch.js end end testing tool - point actual uis api call live (and not mocked) maybe looking framework designed integration tests casper.js ( or nightmare (

however mocking http calls in nightwatch should doable nock believe (if have strange use case warrants it) ensure you're nock http calls before tests (they can in before block), eg:

module.exports = {   'test abc' : function (browser) {     nock('')       .get('/users')       .query({name: 'martin'})       .reply(200, {results: [{id: '123'}]});      // test stuff   }, }; 

possible problem example mocking entire ui - nightwatch might somehow preventing same domain being intercepted. having ui , api on different domains (or ports) might solve issue


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