java - JSON Infinite string when using hibernate one to many and many to one mapping REST web service -

i facing weird issue when using hibernate 1 many , many 1 mapping , returning data using json swing client rest web service.

when web service returning salesorder object. have checked contains orderlines objects set. but, if open 1 of orderline object, again has sales order object.

this chaining causing issue client side infinite string of json being returned.

like below...

[ { "salesordernumber":"1", "customercode":"1", "totalprice":50.0, orderlines":      [ { "salesordernumber":"1", "productcode":"2", "quantity":1, "salesorder":{"salesordernumber":"1","customercode":"1","totalprice":50.0,"orderlines":[{"salesordernumber":"1","productcode":"2","quantity":1,"salesorder":{"salesordernumber":"1","customercode":"1","totalprice":50.0,"orderlines": ............................................. ............................... 

i have tried set @jsonignore don't want sent client, but, didn't help.

my 2 entities below:

@entity @table(name = "salesorder") //@jsonignoreproperties({ "hibernatelazyinitializer", "handler" }) public class salesorder implements serializable {  private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;  @id @column(name = "salesordernumber", unique = true, nullable = false) private string salesordernumber;  @column(name = "customercode") private string customercode;  @column(name = "totalprice") private double totalprice;  @jsonignore @onetomany(fetch = fetchtype.eager, mappedby="salesorder",cascade=cascadetype.all) private set<orderlines> orderlines = new hashset<orderlines>();  public set<orderlines> getorderlines() {     return orderlines; } public void setorderlines(set<orderlines> orderlines) {     this.orderlines = orderlines; }  public string getsalesordernumber() {     return salesordernumber; }  public void setsalesordernumber(string salesordernumber) {     this.salesordernumber = salesordernumber; }  public string getcustomercode() {     return customercode; }  public void setcustomercode(string customercode) {     this.customercode = customercode; }  public double gettotalprice() {     return totalprice; }  public void settotalprice(double totalprice) {     this.totalprice = totalprice; }  }  @entity @table(name = "orderlines") //@jsonignoreproperties({ "hibernatelazyinitializer", "handler" }) public class orderlines implements serializable {  private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;  @id @column(name = "salesordernumber", unique = true, nullable = false) private string salesordernumber;  @id @column(name = "productcode") private string productcode;  @column(name = "quantity") private int quantity;  @jsonignore @manytoone(fetch = fetchtype.lazy,cascade=cascadetype.all) @joincolumn(name="salesordernumber") private salesorder salesorder;  public salesorder getsalesorder() {     return salesorder; }  public void setsalesorder(salesorder salesorder) {     this.salesorder = salesorder; }  public string getsalesordernumber() {     return salesordernumber; }  public void setsalesordernumber(string salesordernumber) {     this.salesordernumber = salesordernumber; }  public string getproductcode() {     return productcode; }  public void setproductcode(string productcode) {     this.productcode = productcode; }  public int getquantity() {     return quantity; }  public void setquantity(int quantity) {     this.quantity = quantity; }  } 

it's really bad idea send entities json, couple clients internal representation of system... , bad hacks come this. if want regardless , suffer later (or let 1 of future colleagues suffer , curse you), keep reading.

the reason why doesn't work because hibernate creates proxies objects gets db, , annotations lost. there jackson extension take care of jackson-datatype-hibernate, please don't (unless app trivial , never change)


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