java - How to customize an adapter in Android? -
i making simple android app takes name, email , contact number of user , saves these (including id) in phone's memory (via sqlite). "show all" page displays details of user in database in listview
using custom adapter. runs this:
it leaves these spaces in between rows. how remove these spaces? also, details mixed while retrieving database. first row displayed in correct format (as wanted) . second's details got mixed up. how correct this?
public class mydbhandler extends sqliteopenhelper{ private static final int database_version = 1; private static final string database_name= "user.db"; public static final string table_name = "data"; public static final string column_id = "id"; public static final string column_name = "name"; public static final string column_email = "email"; public static final string column_phno = "phno"; public mydbhandler(context context, string name, sqlitedatabase.cursorfactory factory, int version) { super(context, database_name, factory, database_version); } @override public void oncreate(sqlitedatabase db) { string query = "create table "+table_name+"("+ column_id + " integer primary key autoincrement,"+ column_name + " varchar(20),"+ column_email + " varchar(20),"+ column_phno + " varchar(20)"+ ");"; db.execsql(query); } @override public void onupgrade(sqlitedatabase db, int oldversion, int newversion) { db.execsql("drop table if exists " + table_name); oncreate(db); } public void adddata(data d){ contentvalues values = new contentvalues(); //values.put(column_id, d.getid()); values.put(column_name, d.getname()); values.put(column_email, d.getemail()); values.put(column_phno, d.getphno()); sqlitedatabase db = getwritabledatabase(); db.insert(table_name, null, values); db.close(); } public arraylist<string> retrievedata(){ arraylist<string> al = new arraylist<>(); sqlitedatabase db = getwritabledatabase(); string query = "select * "+table_name+";"; cursor c = db.rawquery(query,null); c.movetofirst(); while(!c.isafterlast()){ if(c.getstring(c.getcolumnindex("id"))!=null){ al.add(c.getstring(c.getcolumnindex("id"))); al.add(c.getstring(c.getcolumnindex("name"))); al.add(c.getstring(c.getcolumnindex("email"))); al.add(c.getstring(c.getcolumnindex("phno"))); } c.movetonext(); } db.close(); return al; } }
public class customadapter extends arrayadapter<string>{ arraylist<string>a = new arraylist<>(); public customadapter(context context, arraylist<string>a ){ super(context,r.layout.custom_row,a); } @override public view getview(int position, view convertview, viewgroup parent) { layoutinflater harshitsinflator = layoutinflater.from(getcontext()); view customview = harshitsinflator.inflate(r.layout.custom_row, parent, false); textview textview3 = (textview) customview.findviewbyid(; textview textview4 = (textview) customview.findviewbyid(; textview textview5 = (textview) customview.findviewbyid(; button button4 = (button) customview.findviewbyid(; string sid = getitem(position); if(position%4==0 && position>0) { textview3.settext(a.get(1)); textview4.settext(a.get(2)); textview5.settext(a.get(3)); button4.settext(a.get(0)); a.clear(); customview.setvisibility(view.visible); } else { a.add(sid); customview.setvisibility(view.gone); } return customview; } }
public class listview extends activity { protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate){ super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.list_view_layout); arraylist<string> n; mydbhandler db = new mydbhandler(this, null, null, 1); n=db.retrievedata(); listadapter harshitsadapter = new customadapter(this, n); listview harshitslistview = (listview) findviewbyid(; harshitslistview.setadapter(harshitsadapter); //((baseadapter)harshitsadapter).notifydatasetchanged(); } public void backtomain(view view){ intent = new intent(this, mainactivity.class); startactivity(i); finish(); } }
this app shows arrayindexoutofbounds
process: com.example.h8pathak.dilliheart, pid: 21258 java.lang.indexoutofboundsexception: invalid index 3, size 3 @ java.util.arraylist.throwindexoutofboundsexception( @ java.util.arraylist.get(
how rectify one?
modify these 2 files of yours:
public class customadapter extends arrayadapter<string>{ arraylist<string> id, name, email, phno; context c; public customadapter(context context, arraylist<string>id, arraylist<string>name , arraylist<string>email , arraylist<string> phno ){ super(context,r.layout.custom_row, id); this.c=context; = id;;; this.phno=phno; } @override public view getview(int position, view convertview, viewgroup parent) { layoutinflater harshitsinflator = layoutinflater.from(getcontext()); view customview = harshitsinflator.inflate(r.layout.custom_row, parent, false); textview textview3 = (textview) customview.findviewbyid(; textview textview4 = (textview) customview.findviewbyid(; textview textview5 = (textview) customview.findviewbyid(; button button4 = (button) customview.findviewbyid(; string sid = id.get(position); string sname = name.get(position ); string semail = email.get(position ); string sphno = phno.get(position); textview3.settext(sname); textview4.settext(semail); textview5.settext(sphno); button4.settext(sid); return customview; } }
public class listview extends activity { protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate){ super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.list_view_layout); arraylist<string> n; arraylist<string> id = new arraylist<>(); arraylist<string> name = new arraylist<>(); arraylist<string> email = new arraylist<>(); arraylist<string> phno = new arraylist<>(); mydbhandler db = new mydbhandler(this, null, null, 1); n=db.retrievedata(); for(int =0; i<n.size();i++){ if(i%4==0) id.add(n.get(i)); else if (i%4==1) name.add(n.get(i)); else if (i%4==2) email.add(n.get(i)); else phno.add(n.get(i)); } system.out.println(n); listadapter harshitsadapter = new customadapter(this, id, name, email, phno); listview harshitslistview = (listview) findviewbyid(; harshitslistview.setadapter(harshitsadapter); } public void backtomain(view view){ intent = new intent(this, mainactivity.class); startactivity(i); finish(); } }
adapting method not lead "arrayindexoutofbounds" exception
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