Mergesort implementation in C -

can please check mergesort code. when tried sorting input values, sorted array contained random values weren't input. , not sorted. way i'm declaring array within while loop correct?

  #include <stdio.h> void merge (int a[], int aux[], int lo, int mid, int hi){      for(int y=lo; y<=hi; y++){         aux[y]=a[y];     }     int i=lo;      int j=mid+1;     for(int k=lo;k<=mid;k++){         if (j>hi)           a[k]=aux[i++];         else if (i>mid)     a[k]=aux[j++];         else if (a[j]<a[i])         a[k]= aux[j++];         else         a[k]=aux[i++];     } return; }   void sort (int b[],int aux[], int lo, int hi) {   if(hi<=lo) return; int mid= lo+(hi-lo)/2; sort(b, aux, mid+1, hi); sort(b, aux, lo,  mid); merge(b,aux,lo,mid,hi);     return; }    int main(void) {  int t,n;  long long int sum; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--){     sum=0;     scanf("%d",&n);     int w[n];     int m[n];     int g[n];     int h[n];     (int i=0; i<n;i++){         scanf("%d",&m[i]);         }       (int j=0; j<n;j++){         scanf("%d",&w[j]); }          sort(w,g,0,n-1);     sort(m,h,0,n-1);  }     return 0; } 

you compareing meaningless values in merge funtion , stop merging in middle of processs.

to correct them, in merge function

  • change k<=mid k<=hi
  • change a[j]<a[i] aux[j]<aux[i]


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