caffe - can't get access to python lmdb , ' object has no attribute 'Environment'' -

i using lmdb python load data

def create_dataset():      img_db_fn = 'data/image_train.lmdb'             img_env = lmdb.environment(img_db_fn, map_size=1099511627776)     img_txn = img_env.begin(write=true, buffers=true)     keys = np.arange(100000)     np.random.shuffle(keys)     img_fns = glob.glob('data/positive/*.jpg')     img_fns += glob.glob('data/negtive/*.jpg')     print len(img_fns)  , len(jnt_fns)     i, img_fn in enumerate(  img_fns ):         img_datum = get_img_datum(img_fn)         key = '%06d' % keys[i]             img_txn.put(key, img_datum.serializetostring())         if % 10000 == 0:             print 'commit',i             img_txn.commit()             img_txn = img_env.begin(write=true, buffers=true)      img_txn.commit()     img_env.close() 

i got error saying 'img_env = lmdb.environment(img_db_fn, map_size=1099511627776) attributeerror: 'module' object has no attribute 'environment''

i guess might use lmdb 1 of personal module names , conflicts standard lmdb module


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