vba - Macro fails for large sets of items -

i have functioning macro fails @ seemingly random points when running on large number of items. macro used loop through inbox folder receives error logs, save error log text files, copy specified lines of text attachments (error operation names , such), place these strings in excel file track them, , move email items inbox folder once processed. works great when goes through less hundred emails above gets strange. in testing failed on 122nd iteration, 648, 350, etc. general structure below.

sub errorlogauto()  dim filename string dim path string dim timeinfo string dim subjectinfo string dim idnumber string dim dataline string  dim oitem object dim item outlook.items dim myattachment(1000) outlook.attachments dim myinspector outlook.inspector  dim appexcel object  dim filenum integer dim found integer dim found1 integer dim found2 integer dim integer dim j integer dim op integer dim integer dim cdata integer  = 0 k = 1  'returns proper source folder set mynamespace = application.getnamespace("mapi") set myfolder = mynamespace.getdefaultfolder(olfolderinbox) set mynewfolder = myfolder.folders("test") '--> text between "" folder name, change here  'set path attachments saved in path = "c:\test\"  'set item = emails in test folder set item = mynewfolder.items  'if no emails... if item.count = 0     msgbox "there no error messages sift through."     exit sub end if  'open instance of excel workbook set appexcel = createobject("excel.application") appexcel.visible = true 'appexcel.workbooks.open (path & "test.xlsx") appexcel.workbooks.open (path & "sample file name.xlsx")  'find first empty cell write --> based off of column d while appexcel.range("d" & k) <> ""     k = k + 1 wend  'for every email in folder...here starts big loop each oitem in item      'save attachment , set filename     set myattachment(i) = oitem.attachments         myattachment(i).item(1).saveasfile path & myattachment(i).item(1).displayname & ".txt"         filename = path & myattachment(i).item(1).displayname & ".txt"      'subject , time info     subjectinfo = oitem.subject     timeinfo = oitem.receivedtime      'returns id number subject string after '@'     j = instr(subjectinfo, "@")     idnumber = mid(subjectinfo, j + 1)      'write idnumber cell , timestamp     appexcel.range("a" & k) = timeinfo     appexcel.range("d" & k) = idnumber       'open notepad file, read line line until eof, take user message, , take operation name     filenum = freefile()     open filename input #filenum      while not eof(filenum)          line input #filenum, dataline          'if string found these <> 0         found = instr(dataline, "<operationname>")         found1 = instr(dataline, "<usermessage>")         found2 = instr(dataline, "<usermessage><![cdata[")          'returns position right after string found         op = instr(dataline, "<operationname>") + 15         = instr(dataline, "<usermessage>") + 13         cdata = instr(dataline, "<usermessage><![cdata[") + 22          'found operation name line         if found <> 0             'appexcel.range("b1") = dataline --> whole line             'appexcel.range("c" & k) = mid(mid(dataline, 20), 1, len(mid(dataline, 20)) - 16) --> doesnt account whitespace             appexcel.range("n" & k) = mid(mid(dataline, op), 1, len(mid(dataline, op)) - 16) '--> accounts whitespace , cuts out <operationname> , <\operationname>         'found user message line , includes cdata stuff         elseif found1 <> 0 , found2 <> 0             'appexcel.range("c1") = dataline --> whole line             'appexcel.range("d" & k) = mid(mid(dataline, 20), 1, len(mid(dataline, 20)) - 14) --> doesnt account whitespace             'appexcel.range("o" & k) = mid(mid(dataline, us), 1, len(mid(dataline, us)) - 14) --> accounts whitespace , cuts out <usermessage> , <\usermessage>             appexcel.range("o" & k) = mid(mid(dataline, cdata), 1, len(mid(dataline, cdata)) - 17) '--> accounts whitespace , cuts out <usermessage><![cdata[ , ]]><\usermessage>         'found user message line without cdata stuff         elseif found1 <> 0             appexcel.range("o" & k) = mid(mid(dataline, us), 1, len(mid(dataline, us)) - 14) '--> accounts whitespace , cuts out <usermessage> , <\usermessage>         end if      wend      close #filenum      = + 1     k = k + 1  next  call foldermove   end sub  private sub foldermove()      dim mailitem     dim m integer     dim source mapifolder     dim destination mapifolder      set source = application.getnamespace("mapi").getdefaultfolder(olfolderinbox)     set source = source.folders("test") '--> text between "" folder name, change here      set destination = application.getnamespace("mapi").getdefaultfolder(olfolderinbox)     set destination = destination.folders("testing done") '--> text between "" folder name, change here      m = source.items.count 1 step -1         set = source.items(m)         a.move destination     next  end sub 

the code breaks down while reading file in not eof loop. these errors caused bad programming practices? i've never worked large sets before , new vba appreciated.

error information: run-time error '50290': application-defined or object defined error. --> occured on 363rd iteration

restarted @ debug , got 540 before failing in same way.

then restarted , finished ok.

so question why happen?

in online profile (as opposed cached), exchange limit number off items can open (250 default. need make sure explicitly release objects setting them northing (vba) or calling marshal.releasecomobject in .net. should make sure not use multipole dot notation avoid implicit variable cannot explicitly release.

for = 1 item.count   set oitem = item.items(i)   set oattachments = oitem.attachments   if oattachments.count > 0     set oattachment = oattachments.item(1) ' want loop through attachments?     filename = path & oattachment.filename     oattachment.saveasfile filename     set oattachment = nothing   end if   ...   set oattachments = nothing   set oitem = nothing  next 


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