swift - PromsieKit + Alamofire for loading paged HTTP Data -

i migrating code restkit alamofire. use magicalrecord + alamofireobjectmapper map json coredata objects.

i faced following situation:

my data lives @ url:


now have this:

  • download first page of data given url using page-size of 50
  • if number of loaded objects equal page-size increment start parameter page size
  • if number less page size combine loaded objects , return them callee.

in previous non-alamofire example did use recursion promisekit guess have additional chaining of promises rather recursion of method calls.

so far have done simple chaining of promises conditional looped chaining , how implement using promisekit bit of mystery me.

i did come approach seems work fine. however, have feeling more concise better answers or comments welcome.

i decided combine recursion , promises (due lack of better solutions). passing along currentpromise chained further more pages need loaded.

the first method starts whole process , created promise instantly fulfilled empty array so: promise([issue]()):

func loadallpagedissues(repository: repository) -> promise<[issue]>{     return loadpagedissues(repository, limit: config.apipagesize, start: 0, currentpromise: promise([issue]())) }     

the next method actual work of downloading content , parsing it.

func loadissues(url: string, repository: repository) -> promise<[issue]>{     return promise{ fullfill, reject in          self.manager             .request(.get, url, headers: self.headers)             .responsearray(keypath: "issues", context: repository) { (response: response<[issue], nserror>) in                 switch response.result{                 case .success(let value):                     fullfill(value)                 case .failure(let e):                     reject(e)                 }         }     } } 

the final method combines results being passed in , loaded ones. if end of page reached results returned using fullfilled promise , if more pages need loaded call second method issued:

func loadpagedissues(repository: repository, limit: int, start: int, currentpromise: promise<[issue]>) -> promise<[issue]>{      let url = baseurl + config.pagedissuespath.replacetokens(         [             "repo": repository.slug,             "limit": string(limit),             "start": string(start)         ]     )      let loadpromise = self.loadissues(url, repository: repository)     return when(loadpromise, currentpromise).then{ newissues, existingissues -> promise<[issue]> in          let combined = promise<[issue]>(newissues + existingissues)         if newissues.count < limit{             // reached end of page             return combined         } else {             return self.loadpagedissues(repository, limit: limit, start: (start + limit), currentpromise: combined)         }     } } 


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