segmentation fault - Assembly - Segfault with subprogram -

i'm trying debug why i'm getting segfault in subprogram.

it happens on ret line @ end of subprogram - in once 0x00 byte reach @ end of sentence.

main :

                .data string:         .string "aaaaaaaaaaa" endofstring:    .space  8 msg:            .string "%c occurs %d times \n"                  .text                 .global main  main:      mov     $string,%rsi            #rsi = string storage     mov     $0x61, %ah              #storage of      mov     $0x65, %al              #storage of e     mov     $0x69, %bh              #storage of     mov     $0x6f, %bl              #storage of o     mov     $0x75, %ch              #storage of u   #case     mov     %ah,%cl                 #1 byte register cmp later on.     mov     $0, %rax                #initialize count 0     call    freq                    #generate %rax value        mov     %rax, %rdx              #count printf (2nd argument)     mov     $msg, %rdi              #format printf(1st argument)     mov     %r8, %rsi               #ch printf (3rd argument)      xor     %rax, %rax              #reset %rax printf output      call    printf                  #print frequency value of ch in string   #case e     mov     %al,%cl     mov     $0, %rax                #initialize count 0     call    freq      mov     %rax, %rdx              #count printf (2nd argument)     mov     $msg, %rdi              #format printf(1st argument)     mov     %r8, %rsi               #ch printf (3rd argument)      xor     %rax, %rax              #reset %rax printf output      call    printf                  #print frequency value of ch in string  #case o     mov     %bh,%cl     mov     $0, %rax                #initialize count 0     call    freq      mov     %rax, %rdx              #count printf (2nd argument)     mov     $msg, %rdi              #format printf(1st argument)     mov     %r8, %rsi               #ch printf (3rd argument)      xor     %rax, %rax              #reset %rax printf output      call    printf                  #print frequency value of ch in string  #case     mov     %bl,%cl     mov     $0, %rax                #initialize count 0     call    freq      mov     %rax, %rdx              #count printf (2nd argument)     mov     $msg, %rdi              #format printf(1st argument)     mov     %r8, %rsi               #ch printf (3rd argument)      xor     %rax, %rax              #reset %rax printf output      call    printf                  #print frequency value of ch in string #case u     mov     %ch,%cl     mov     $0, %rax                #initialize count 0     call    freq      mov     %rax, %rdx              #count printf (2nd argument)     mov     $msg, %rdi              #format printf(1st argument)     mov     %r8, %rsi               #ch printf (3rd argument)      xor     %rax, %rax              #reset %rax printf output      call    printf                  #print frequency value of ch in string      jmp done   done:       ret 


    .text      .globl  freq    freq:        #subprogram body start:     cmpb    $0,8(%rsi)              #check end of string     je      donefreq  loopfreq:     cmp     %cl, 8(%rsi)            #compare first string char vowel      je      incrementstring         #if equal - jump increment_string     add     $1, %rsi                #if not - increment string     jmp     start                   #jump loop check end of string status/next char  incrementstring:     add     $1, %rsi                #increment next string character     add     $1, %rax                #add 1 frequency of character     jmp     start  donefreq:     ret 

not sure why happens. - wish debugging gave bit more info :(

does have idea why occurs? followed outline of notes callee function i'm @ loss problem in callee

you should not use %rsp pointer string. corrupting return address in stack ret instruction tries jump bogus address. use %rsi or general purpose register. stack pointer not register can use wish.


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