jsf - Table doesn't want to update after input search tags -

i have weird problem, i'm sure it's related h:form placement tags. have table, above table have search form can put tags, example name or lastname , after table refreshed. , worked! reasons it's stopped working , have no idea why. in order check results of searching have refresh page or change pagination in table 10 15, after results appear. here code:


<h:form>          <div class="row">             <div class="panel-heading text-center">                 <div class="bootstrap-filestyle input-group inn">                     <div class="search-criteria" style="width: 500px">                         <h:inputtext value="#{clientbean.tags}"   styleclass="form-control"                             type="text">                             <f:passthroughattribute name="placeholder"                                 value="imię, nazwisko, adres..." />                         </h:inputtext>                     </div>                     <p:commandbutton type="submit" style="float:left"                         styleclass="btn btn-primary" value="szukaj"                         actionlistener="#{clientbean.getallclients()}">                         <i class="icon-search icon-white"></i>                     </p:commandbutton>                 </div>             </div>           </div>        <h:form>         <p:datatable id="clientstable" style="white-space: nowrap"             var="client" value="#{clientbean.getallclients()}" paginator="true"             rows="15"             paginatortemplate="{currentpagereport} {firstpagelink} {previouspagelink} {pagelinks} {nextpagelink} {lastpagelink} {rowsperpagedropdown}"             rowsperpagetemplate="10,15">              <p:column headertext="imię">                 <h:outputtext value="#{client.name}" />             </p:column>             <p:column headertext="nazwisko">                 <h:outputtext value="#{client.lastname}" />             </p:column>             <p:column headertext="numer telefonu">                 <h:outputtext value="#{client.phonenumber}" />             </p:column>             <p:column headertext="adres">                 <h:outputtext value="#{client.address}" />             </p:column>             <p:column>                 <a href="klienci/#{client.id}"                     class="btn btn-success edit resized-font"><span                     class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> edytuj</a>                  <a href="klienci/#{client.id}"                     class="btn btn-danger delete resized-font"><span                     class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> usuń</a>                  <a href="klienci/#{client.id}" class="btn btn-primary resized-font"><span                     class="glyphicon glyphicon-book"></span> informacje</a>             </p:column>         </p:datatable>         </h:form>     </h:form> 

important code clientbean:

private string tags;  public set<client> getallclients() {      if (tags == null) {         set<client> clients = new hashset<client>(clientdao.findall());         return clients;     }      return getclients(); }  public  set<client> getclients() {      set<client> mergedclientset = new hashset<>();     string[] tags = gettags().split(" ");      for(int i=0; i<tags.length; i++){         mergedclientset.addall(searchservice.getclientwithparameters(tags[i]));     }      return mergedclientset; }  public string gettags() {     return tags; }  public void settags(string tags) {     this.tags = tags; } 

first of committing violation of w3c xhtml specification, nesting forms, can't that.

and trying achieve simple.

here's how :

jsf facelet:

<h:form prependid="true" id="main-form">      <div class="row">         <div class="panel-heading text-center">             <div class="bootstrap-filestyle input-group inn">                 <div class="search-criteria"                      style="width: 500px">                     <h:inputtext value="#{clientbean.tags}"                                   styleclass="form-control">                         <f:passthroughattribute name="placeholder"                                                 value="imię, nazwisko, adres..." />                     </h:inputtext>                 </div>                 <p:commandbutton style="float:left"                                  styleclass="btn btn-primary" value="szukaj"                                  actionlistener="#{clientbean.dotagssearch}"                                   update=":main-form:clients-table">                     <i class="icon-search icon-white"></i>                 </p:commandbutton>             </div>         </div>       </div>      <p:datatable id="clients-table"                  style="white-space: nowrap"                  var="client"                  value="#{clientbean.clients}"                  paginator="true"                  rows="15"                  paginatortemplate="{currentpagereport} {firstpagelink} {previouspagelink} {pagelinks} {nextpagelink} {lastpagelink} {rowsperpagedropdown}"                  rowsperpagetemplate="10,15">          <p:column headertext="imię">             <h:outputtext value="#{client.name}" />         </p:column>         <p:column headertext="nazwisko">             <h:outputtext value="#{client.lastname}" />         </p:column>         <p:column headertext="numer telefonu">             <h:outputtext value="#{client.phonenumber}" />         </p:column>         <p:column headertext="adres">             <h:outputtext value="#{client.address}" />         </p:column>         <p:column>             <a href="klienci/#{client.id}"                 class="btn btn-success edit resized-font"><span                 class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> edytuj</a>              <a href="klienci/#{client.id}"                 class="btn btn-danger delete resized-font"><span                 class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> usuń</a>              <a href="klienci/#{client.id}" class="btn btn-primary resized-font"><span                 class="glyphicon glyphicon-book"></span> informacje</a>         </p:column>     </p:datatable> </h:form> 

managedbean code snippet :

private string tags; private arraylist<client> clients;  @postconstruct public void init() {     clients = clientdao.findall();//must return arraylist of client }  public void dotagssearch() {     if (tags == null) {         clients = clientdao.findall();     } else {         clients = getclientsbytags();     }  }  public arraylist<client> getclientsbytags() {    //use tags logic.    //must return arraylist of clients.      ... }  public string gettags() {     return tags; }  public void settags(string tags) {     this.tags = tags; }  public string getclients() {     return clients; }  public void setclients(arraylist<client> clients) {     this.clients = clients; } 



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