r - Density of each group of weighted geom_density sum to one -

how can group density plot , have density of each group sum one, when using weighted data?

the ggplot2 geom_density() suggests hack using weighted data: dividing sum of weights. when grouped, means combined density of groups totals one. density of each group total one.

i have found 2 clumsy ways this. first treat each group separate dataset:

m <- ggplot() m + geom_density(data = movies[movies$action == 0, ], aes(rating, weight = votes/sum(votes)), fill=na, colour="black") +     geom_density(data = movies[movies$action == 1, ], aes(rating, weight = votes/sum(votes)), fill=na, colour="blue") 

obvious disadvantages manual handling of factor levels , aesthetics. tried using windowing functionality of data.table package create new column total votes per action group, dividing instead:

movies.dt <- data.table(movies) setkey(movies.dt, action) movies.dt[, votes.per.group := sum(votes), action] m <- ggplot(movies.dt, aes(x=rating, weight=votes/votes.per.group, group = action, colour = action)) m + geom_density(fill=na) 

are there neater ways this? because of size of tables, i'd rather not replicate rows weighting sake of using frequency.

i think auxillary table might option. had similar problem here. issue seems that, when ggplot uses aggregating functions in aes(...), applies them whole dataset, not subsetted data. when write


the votes in numerator subsetted based on action, votes in denominator, sum(votes), not. same true implicit grouping facets.

if else has way around i'd love hear it.


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