JsResultException - unable to successfully parse json - 2.4x Play Scala -

i have following case class;

import java.sql.timestamp  case class dose (date: timestamp, pthospitalnumber: string) 

and in controller following code handle json;

import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._    implicit val dosereads: reads[dose] = (     (jspath \ "date").read[long].map(long => new timestamp(long)) ,     (jspath \ "pthospitalnumber").read[string]   )(dose.apply _)    def adddoses() = action(bodyparsers.parse.json) { implicit request =>     val doses = (request.body \ "doses" ).as[list[dose]]     //then iterate through list , return json response   } 

however, when json sent (from android device list[dose] using org.springframework.http.converter.json.mappingjackson2httpmessageconverter), keep getting error;

play.api.libs.json.jsresultexception: jsresultexception(errors:list((,list(validationerror(list([{"date":1445789736831, "hospitalnumber":"a059es21"},{"date":1445790530290,"hospitalnumber":"a059es21"}] not object),wrappedarray())))))

i tried following returned null;

    val dosesjsresult = (request.body \ "doses" ).validate[list[dose]]     val doses = dosesjsresult match{       case s: jssuccess[list[dose]] => s.get       case e: jserror => null     } 

i can't figure out i'm doing wrong. can please?

the problem was trying find list called "doses" in json, didn't exist. needed parse request body list of dose;

implicit val dosedatareads = new reads[dose] {   def reads(json: jsvalue): jsresult[dose] = {     val date = (json \ "date").as[long]     val hospitalnumber = (json \ "hospitalnumber").as[string]     jssuccess(dose(hospitalnumber, new timestamp(date)))   } }  def adddoses() = action(bodyparsers.parse.json) { implicit request =>     val doses = request.body.as[list[dose]]     //rest of code persist doses etc } 


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