android - google signin uid & firebase uid don't match after firebase upgrade to 9.2.0 -
i upgraded firebase database version 9.2.0. firebase uid used google:(google signin id), but, doesn't match now.
before upgrade -
google signin uid = 101672719428298324455
firebase uid = google:101672719428298324455
after upgrade -
google signin uid = 101672719428298324455
firebase uid = fcojpimyqwthp02yzwysrezshkp2
the google uid returned other services such classroom, so, need use uid tell user is. update users field use google sign-in uid instead of firebase one.
but, then, how write security rules auth using google signin uid upgraded firebase? specific use case rules teacher can read student's report card. teacher , student uids provided google classroom class roster match google sign-in uids, not firebase uid.
below the code being used login after upgrade -
firebaseauth auth = firebaseauth.getinstance(); authcredential credential = googleauthprovider.getcredential(token, secret); auth.signinwithcredential(credential).addoncompletelistener(new oncompletelistener<authresult>() { @override public void oncomplete(@nonnull task<authresult> task) { // authenticated payload authdata authresult result = task.getresult(); firebaseuser user = result.getuser();
the students class loaded using google-classroom
"google:101379167706178411999": { "profile" : { "course" : { "students" : { "google:102942138935686001927" : { "profile" : { "name" : "student1 u." } }, "google:111992383609839990527" : { "profile" : { "name" : "student2 u." } } } }, "email" : "...", "name" : "teacher user", } }
then, teacher uses google signin ids query student -
queryref = mfirebase.child("users").child(uid).child("profile").child("course").child("students").orderbykey(); listlistener = queryref.addchildeventlistener(new childeventlistener() { @override public void onchildadded(datasnapshot snapshot, string previouschild) { log.d("dashboarddatahandler", "attaching listener to: " + snapshot.getkey()); final string key = snapshot.getkey(); addorupdateuserprofile(snapshot, key);
for existing users, uid not change when import existing project new firebase console ( users created after importing project new uid format. intentional: should not rely on inherent structure in uid firebase provides.
if want know google id user signed in firebase authentication google account, can currentuser
field. documentation on accessing user's provider-specific profile information:
to profile information retrieved sign-in providers linked user, use getproviderdata method. example:
firebaseuser user = firebaseauth.getinstance().getcurrentuser(); if (user != null) { (userinfo profile : user.getproviderdata()) { // id of provider (ex: string providerid = profile.getproviderid(); // uid specific provider string uid = profile.getuid(); // name, email address, , profile photo url string name = profile.getdisplayname(); string email = profile.getemail(); uri photourl = profile.getphotourl(); }; }
you'll note getproviderdata
returns list of userinfo
objects nowadays, since single user account can have multiple linked providers.
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