c++ - Kernel doesn't wait for events -

i have problem kernel invocation. code looks this:

std::vector<cl::event> events; ...  queue.enqueuewritebuffer(arrayfirst, cl_false, 0, sizeofarray, null, null, &arrayevent); events.push_back(arrayevent);  queue.enqueuewritebuffer(arraysecond, cl_false, 0, sizeofarraysecond, this->arraysecond, null, &arraysecondevent); events.push_back(arraysecondevent);  kernel(cl::enqueueargs(queue, events, cl::ndrange(512), cl::ndrange(128)), arrayfirst, arraysecond); 

and when run it, doesn't go inside kernel code, when change "make_kernel" invocation this:

kernel(cl::enqueueargs(queue, arraysecondevent, cl::ndrange(512), cl::ndrange(128)), arrayfirst, arraysecond); 

it goes inside kernel, don't have surety memory "arrayfirst" allocated correctly, check documentation of opencl 1.2 wrapper , found invocation should looks this:

cl::enqueueargs::enqueueargs(commandqueue &queue, const vector_class<event> &events, ndrange offset, ndrange global, ndrange local) //page 42 

but when try pass address of events vector compilation error, there no suitable method following arguments..


error: no instance of constructor "cl::enqueueargs::enqueueargs" matches argument list             argument types are: (cl::commandqueue, std::vector<cl::event, std::allocator<cl::event>> *, cl::ndrange, cl::ndrange)               valueofimagekernel(cl::enqueueargs(valueofimagequeue, &events, cl::ndrange(512), cl::ndrange(128)), 

anyone have idea i'm doing wrong?

it seems below line don't need causing trouble: queue.enqueuewritebuffer(arrayfirst, cl_false, 0, sizeofarray, null, null, &arrayevent); need call write buffer when have write there not case here.

below full working example, tested on phi (just clarity error handling omitted):

#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string>  #include <cl/cl.hpp>  int main() {     const char *kernel_str{         "kernel void k1(global int *data1, global int *data2){"         " int local_id = get_local_id(0);"         " data1[local_id] = data2[local_id] + data2[local_id];"         "}" };      cl_int err = cl_success;      std::vector<cl::platform> platforms;     cl::platform::get(&platforms);     cl::platform plat;     (auto &p : platforms)     {         std::vector<cl::device> devices;         p.getdevices(cl_device_type_accelerator, &devices);         if (!devices.empty())         {             plat = p;             break;         }     }     if (plat() == 0)     {         std::cout << "no opencl platform found.";         return -1;     }      cl_context_properties properties[] =     { cl_context_platform, (cl_context_properties)(plat)(), 0 };     cl::context context(cl_device_type_accelerator, properties);      std::vector<cl::device> devices = context.getinfo<cl_context_devices>();      cl::program::sources source(1, std::make_pair(kernel_str, strlen(kernel_str)));     cl::program program = cl::program(context, source);     err = program.build(devices);      cl::commandqueue queue(context, devices[0], 0, &err);      size_t sizeofarray = 512, sizeofarraysecond = 512;     std::vector<int> varrayfirst(sizeofarray);     std::vector<int> varraysecond(sizeofarraysecond);     (size_t x = 0; x < sizeofarraysecond; ++x)         varraysecond[x] = x;      cl::buffer arrayfirst(context, cl_mem_write_only, sizeofarray*sizeof(varrayfirst[0]));     cl::buffer arraysecond(context, cl_mem_read_only, sizeofarraysecond*sizeof(varraysecond[0]));      cl::event arraysecondevent;      std::vector<cl::event> events;     err = queue.enqueuewritebuffer(arraysecond, cl_false, 0, sizeofarraysecond*sizeof(varraysecond[0]), &varraysecond[0], null, &arraysecondevent);     events.push_back(arraysecondevent);      cl::make_kernel<cl::buffer&, cl::buffer&> kernel(program, "k1");      cl::event ev = kernel(cl::enqueueargs(queue, events, cl::ndrange(512), cl::ndrange(128)), arrayfirst, arraysecond);      std::vector<cl::event> evs(1, ev);      err = queue.enqueuereadbuffer(arrayfirst, cl_true, 0, sizeofarray*sizeof(varrayfirst[0]), &varrayfirst[0], &evs); // final blocking read      std::cout << "outputting first 10 values: " << std::endl;     (int x = 0; x < 10; ++x)         std::cout << varrayfirst[x] << ", ";     std::cout << std::endl;      return 0; } 


outputting first 10 values: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 


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