sqlite3 - Linker error with CMake -

i'm using jetbrains clion pure c (c ansi) development, know it's target c++, company works c , clion uses cmake build system.

my system debian jessie system , sqlite3 , libsqlite3-dev installed.

i'm trying build simple sqlite3 project this:

#include <sqlite3.h> #include <stdio.h>      int main() {     sqlite3 *sqlconnection;     int ret;     ret = sqlite3_open("database/path.db, &sqlconnection);     if (ret) {         printf("ups ... can't open %d", ret);     }     do_some_queries(sqlconnection);     return 0; } 

the automatic generated cmakelists.txt follwing.

cmake_minimum_required(version 3.3)   project(project)  set(cmake_cxx_flags "${cmake_cxx_flags} -std=c++11")  set(source_files main.cpp ) add_executable(project ${source_files}) 

when build, either through clion, either through command line, linker errors:

... undefined reference `sqlite3_prepare_v2' undefined reference `sqlite3_column_int' undefined reference `sqlite3_open' ... 

i know must point out cmake sqlite3 is, can't find way of doing this.

"find_package" , "find_library" may it, can't find how.

i've found this cmake file, not used successfully.

so, how integrate sqlite3 cmake ?

you need add path sqlite header file include path. link sqlite library using target_link_libraries:

