firefox - How to close tabs to the right using vimperator? -

i'm using firefox, , installed vimperator. it's great, can't found method close tabs right using hotkey. please tell me how this? thanks.

close right/left.

place following code in .vimperatorrc file. defines commands :closealltoright , :closealltoleft bindings v> , v< respectively. change bindings desired in lines beginning "map" towards bottom.

js <<eof  closealltoright = function () {     var current = tabs.gettab();     var currentix = tabs.index(current);     var nexttab = current.nextelementsibling;     var n = tabs.count;     var numtoclose = n - (currentix + 1);     tabs.remove(nexttab, numtoclose); }  closealltoleft = function () {     var current = tabs.gettab();     var currentix = tabs.index(current);     var firsttab = tabs.gettab(0);     var n = tabs.count;     var numtoclose = currentix;     tabs.remove(firsttab, numtoclose); }  eof  " close tabs left map v< :js closealltoleft()<cr> " close tabs right map v> :js closealltoright()<cr>  command! closealltoright :js closealltoright() command! closealltoleft :js closealltoleft() 

i've uploaded these 2 commands gist.

pentadactyl version.

command! closetabstoleft     \ -description "close tabs left of current tab"     \ -js     \ var firsttab = tabs.gettab(0);     \ var numtoclose = tabs.gettab().dactylordinal - 1;     \ tabs.remove(firsttab, numtoclose); command! closetabstoright     \ -description "close tabs right of current tab"     \ -js     \ tabindex = tabs.gettab().dactylordinal - 1;     \ var nexttabindex = tabindex + 1;     \ var firsttab = tabs.gettab(nexttabindex);     \ var n = tabs.alltabs.length;     \ var numtoclose = n - nexttabindex;     \ tabs.remove(firsttab, numtoclose);  map v< -ex closetabstoleft map v> -ex closetabstoright 

i've placed these in gist convenience.

further tab commands can found in pentadactyl folder (the commands , bindings in .pentadactylrc, may rely on functions defined in utils.js).


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