reactjs - How to create helper file full of functions in react native? -

though there similar question failing create file multiple functions. not sure if method outdated or not rn evolving fast. how create global helper function in react native?

i new react native.

what want create js file full of many reusable functions , import in components , call there.

what have been doing far might stupid know ask here are.

i tried creating class name chandu , export this

'use strict'; import react, { component } 'react'; import {   appregistry,   text,   textinput,   view } 'react-native';   export default class chandu extends component {    constructor(props){     super(props);     this.papoy = {       : 'aaa'     },     this.hellobandu = function(){       console.log('hello bandu');     },   }    hellochandu(){     console.log('hello chandu');   } } 

and import in required component.

import chandu './chandu'; 

and call

console.log(chandu); console.log(chandu.hellochandu); console.log(chandu.hellobandu); console.log(chandu.papoy); 

the thing worked first console.log, means i'm importing correct path, not others.

what correct way please?

quick note: importing class, can't call properties on class unless static properties. read more classes here:

there's easy way this, though. if making helper functions, should instead make file exports functions this:

export function hellochandu() {  }  export function hellotester() {  } 

then import them so:

import { hellochandu } './helpers'


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